Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Its been so long...

I can't believe how long its been since I've updated here. Alot has happened since August. Olivia turned 1 on September 13th. She is walking now and into everything! I also had her picture made for her one year birthday. Here is a link to the photographer's blog with a few of the shots. And the some more of them. I drove 3 hours to meet this amazing photographer cause I saw her photos online and thought she was one of the best I had seen that specialized in babies. I think she did a fantastic job and I couldn't have asked for more.

Olivia had her 1st birthday party on her big day, the 13th and it turned out just right! The weather was perfect and we had it by the lake, the same place we had our wedding rehearsal dinner almost 2 years before.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Almost One!

My little girl will be 11 months old tomorrow. She is crawling like crazy very quickly, pulling up on everything and cruising up and down the furniture. Her word of choice these days is Mama and she says it repeatedly to me and for me all day. It is so sweet! She waves, gives kisses to everyone including the dog (who kisses her back!) She loves storytime at night with her Daddy who reads her several books before bed in her room every night. We also roll a ball back and forth with her.

Here are some of my favorite random photos of the past 6 weeks.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Olivia's 1st vacation

We went on vacation the first week of June to Florida. Everyone had such a great time.

It wasn't as relaxing as vacations used to be and we were in pretty early every night, but nonetheless, I had an awesome time!

Olivia went on her first airplane flight and loved looking out the window and squealing really loud and embarrassing mommy! This was her first time at the beach, she put sand in her mouth in the first couple of seconds we were there.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Getting older

Well, me and Olivia are getting older. I turned 30 on May 22nd and Olivia is almost 9 months old. Where has this past year gone??

Olivia is now sleeping in her crib, one night she even went 8 hours in a row! She is VERY close to crawling, she gets on her hands and knees but isn't sure what to do next. She took swim lessons and loved every minute of being in the water. She now says, "Mama" and I think she knows the name belongs to me. She says it repeatedly when she wants me to hold her or get her out of whatever she is in.

I got a new camera for my birthday and I have taken about 1,000 new photos of Olivia. Here are some of the highlights from the past few weeks.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My girl is 8 months today!

Today Olivia is 8 months old. She has 2 bottom teeth now and the passed few nights have been hell, so I think she is getting more real soon!

She is 18 pounds now and in swim lessons. She loves the water and is doing great so far, and is even the youngest baby in the class. I know she will be a great swimmer before we know it, just like her mom and dad.

She is days or weeks away from crawling because she has figured out how to get her belly off the ground and I'm sure she will start moving along any day now.

We went to dinner last night to celebrate my 30th birthday (in 2 weeks), Mother's day and my Dad's birthday. Olivia looked super cute in a red dress and her bow that I got from Please check out her site for the cutest things for little girls and tell her Missy sent you!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Olivia has reached some major new milestones since the last time I posted on here. She has began sleeping in her crib (Thank you God!) And, not only sleeping there but putting herself to sleep with little to no crying. I kept putting off getting her to sleep on her own in her crib since I wasn't ready to let her "cry it out." After she turned 6 months, I knew I had to do something or we would have a toddler still sleeping in our bed eventually. So, I started doing the bedtime routine of dinner, bath, book/playtime and then we would rock and I would breastfeed her. Then I would put her in her crib sleepy but awake and she would have a few small toys in there to keep her occupied and a light blanket. I would turn on her music and leave the room. The first couple nights she fussed a lttiel and I wold go in after a few minutes and pick her up and settle her down then try again. It didn't take more than 10 minutes till she was out. I love to hear silence over the baby monitor!

She also got her first tooth coming in last week. Its on the bottom right hand side and she has been such a trooper, you almost wouldn't even now she was teething. Other than alot of drool and her hand is constantly in her mouth, she has been such a good girl! I think she could hold the record for the least amoutn of tears shed in the first 6 months of life. She is just a very happy baby! She really rarely cries, and when she does its pretty easy to figure out what to do to calm her.

I think she's going to crawl any day. I can tell she wants to. Her belly has just yet to leave the ground,but she can turn any direction she wants laying on her belly and she is rolling like a pro now.

The next new thing she does is babbling consanant sounds. We've heard babababa and mamamama then dadada and now she's doing the gagaga. So cute!! I cna't wait till she says real words!

We are starting swin lessons on Tuesday, that should be laot of fun! She loves the water in the bathtub so far so I'm sure this will be great for her.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring photo shoot!

I attempted to take some cute, creative Spring and Easter pictures today of Olivia. It was a beautiful sunny day and the daffodils are blooming so I thought it's be a great time!

Well, taking photos outside with a wiggly 6 month old who can't sit up without help is a chore! Not to mention the ground is still soaking wet from all the rain we've had, there are bees out there, bunny ears don't stay on a little head very well and little babies like to grab and try to eat EVERYTHING (including Nana's daffodils!)

So, here's what we got after taken some around the yard and in the hammock. No doubt I'm going to attempt this again cause I didn't get as good of results as I would have liked. Olivia had alot of fun doing it though.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patricks Day & 6 month check up

Today is St. Patrick's Day and Olivia's 6 month check up at the pediatricians. She wore her green and her shirt that said Mommy's Lucky Charm. She weighed 16 lbs and 9 oz and was 26 inches long. Still in the 50-75th percentile for height and weight like she has been at all appointments. This is her getting weighed on the same scale at 3 days old for the first time at Dr. Horowitz's office and again, 10 lbs later, today. She sure has beefed up!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Got this idea from another mom's blog

50 Random/Wonderful/Interesting Things About my Olivia!

1. She has never stayed up longer than an hour from 10 pm - 6 am in her life.
2. She is exclusively breastfed.
3. Her middle name is Lucrezia after my mother's mother who was Italian.
4. I have loved the name Olivia for years and knew I would name my daughter that.
5. I didn't convince Justin to love the name til about 2 months before her birth.
6. Olivia was born exactly 2 weeks early on September 13th.
7. I was exactly 38 weeks pregnant the day she was born.
8. I went to the hospital twice that day, getting sent home the first time.
9. I woke up at 2 am with contractions and she was born at 9:15 pm.
10. I think the new full moon that night sent me into labor early.
11. When I saw the moon, I knew it was the real thing. We could see the moon out the window of the delivery room the night she was born.
12. She was born on a Saturday the 13th and we were married on Saturday the 13th.
13. Right after she was born, her daddy cried, "She's not ugly!"
14. I was so embarrassed, but he was right, she was beautiful from day 1.
15. She took to breastfeeding within minutes of her birth.
16. She was totally planned and we got pregnant our first try! (Maybe TMI)
17. I swaddled her for sleep every night for 5 months.
18. She slept in our room in her co-sleeper until about a week ago.
19. She has taken to sleeping in her crib very well.
20. She still wakes 3-4 times a night to nurse, but always falls right back to sleep.
21. She is the first grandchild on my side.
22. She is the 8th grandchild on Justin's side, and the 3rd girl.
23. I prayed to get pregnant when we were trying, and then I prayed for a girl.
24. She will not be baptized, until he's old enough to understand why it's important.
25. She has big beautiful eyes like me.
26. So far they are dark gray blue, but Justin hopes they will still turn brown like his.
27. I don't care what color her eyes are.
28. I like that she has brown hair like Justin and I.
29. She has the most beautiful full pink lips like her dad.
30. She still spends almost all her naps in her swing with "Kokomo" by The Beach Boys playing loudly.
31. She has done this since about a month old.
32. She loves watching the dogs and she reaches out to them when they come near her.
33. Since we started solid foods, her favorite is avocados.
34. She is the happiest, sweetest and friendliest baby, everyone tells us this.
35. She usually cries about 5 minutes a day, if at all.
36. She only cries when really tired, or if she has a poopy diaper or is really hungry.
37. I learned to read her cries early on, and she is very easy to make happy again.
38. She gets excited when she sees us come to her. She flaps her arms and makes noises.
39. She giggles like crazy when Justin and I act silly for her.
40. She smiles at every person she meets. Sometimes she smiles when someone walks by her, even if they don't look at her.
41. Our dog, Lily loves to kiss her face, even though I tell her not to every day.
42. She never really took to a paci.
43. She loves her baths and kicks out all the water of the baby tub in minutes.
44. She has mastered rolling to her belly, but hasn't really figured out how to get back over.
45. She has had great head control since almost day 1.
46. If I don't do something with her hair every day, it will stick up like crazy.
47. Her security blanket is her Link-a-doo's plastic rings, she holds them while sleeping and likes to chew them.
48. While I work part time, she spends her days with her Daddy or with my mom.
49. She is going to learn to swim soon.
50. I love her more than I ever thought was possible and wish she wouldn't grow up so fast!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

6 months old

I don't know what happened to the past 6 months, but it has quickly passed us. I am trying to remember each and every little milestone Olivia has had these past 6 months, but things are getting blurry. Life really does pass too fast if we don't stop to enjoy every moment. She is eating food now, rolling over, babbling like crazy, giggling for no reason, smiling at every person she meets, grabbing everything, and holding her sippy cup. I don't know who this big girl is and what happened to that little helpless baby I gave birth to went? She is so much fun though. I love all the time I have with her and even enjoy doing every day things with her. Life is just so much brighter now that she has entered our lives. Having a baby really does change your life, but only for the better!

Monday, March 2, 2009

1st snow in March

We got our first real snow of the year last night! And it's March 2nd. We have probably 6 inches or more on the ground and it came down heavy all night. We haven't had snow like this since 2003. I was excited to get Olivia outside to take some photos of her and let her check out all the white stuff!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Video of her rolling

Olivia has finally started rolling on a regular basis now and she even let me catch her on video today.

Friday, February 13, 2009

5 months old today!

I can't believe Olivia is 5 months old already. The past few months have really flown by. We are much more into a routine now and the days seem to just melt away and I forget what happened to last week.....

She rolled over for the first time last week on Sunday. Her daddy and I were very proud because being silly parents that we are, we worried she may not do it by her 5 month birthday. But, she proved us wrong and while laying on her back, I left the room and came back to her on her belly! Then she did it just once more for us to see. I have to catch it on camera now the next time she decides to show us again.

She wasn't in the best mood when I took these pictures. We had just gotten home, me from work and her from Nana & Papa's house. So, she wouldn't give me any of her smiles, that normally she won't stop smiling and she was flapping her arms half the time. I think we will have to try it again later.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sophie the Giraffe teether

Olivia's new teething toy, Sophie the Giraffe, arrived today and so far so good! She seems to really like it and took to chewing it right away, of course everything I give her or that she can get her hands on she has to test out with her mouth first. This toy is from France and supposed to be the best thing ever. It is made with no chemicals or any of the bad materials some toys are and it squeaks like a dog toy so Lily comes running every time she hears it squeak!

I took a few photos of Olivia & Sophie getting acquainted because it was so cute.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

She can hold her bottle!

Yesterday Olivia started a few new things. She can hold her bottle by herself. She doesn't get a bottle that often, only when I work 2-3 feedings a day 3-4 days a week. When I'm home she is breastfed. Here she is holding it.

Then she was in her Jumperoo and actually realized she could jump in it. She's been hanging out in it a few minutes a day since Christmas and now she can bounce, too!

Here's a video clip of her bouncing.