Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My girl is 8 months today!

Today Olivia is 8 months old. She has 2 bottom teeth now and the passed few nights have been hell, so I think she is getting more real soon!

She is 18 pounds now and in swim lessons. She loves the water and is doing great so far, and is even the youngest baby in the class. I know she will be a great swimmer before we know it, just like her mom and dad.

She is days or weeks away from crawling because she has figured out how to get her belly off the ground and I'm sure she will start moving along any day now.

We went to dinner last night to celebrate my 30th birthday (in 2 weeks), Mother's day and my Dad's birthday. Olivia looked super cute in a red dress and her bow that I got from Please check out her site for the cutest things for little girls and tell her Missy sent you!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Olivia has reached some major new milestones since the last time I posted on here. She has began sleeping in her crib (Thank you God!) And, not only sleeping there but putting herself to sleep with little to no crying. I kept putting off getting her to sleep on her own in her crib since I wasn't ready to let her "cry it out." After she turned 6 months, I knew I had to do something or we would have a toddler still sleeping in our bed eventually. So, I started doing the bedtime routine of dinner, bath, book/playtime and then we would rock and I would breastfeed her. Then I would put her in her crib sleepy but awake and she would have a few small toys in there to keep her occupied and a light blanket. I would turn on her music and leave the room. The first couple nights she fussed a lttiel and I wold go in after a few minutes and pick her up and settle her down then try again. It didn't take more than 10 minutes till she was out. I love to hear silence over the baby monitor!

She also got her first tooth coming in last week. Its on the bottom right hand side and she has been such a trooper, you almost wouldn't even now she was teething. Other than alot of drool and her hand is constantly in her mouth, she has been such a good girl! I think she could hold the record for the least amoutn of tears shed in the first 6 months of life. She is just a very happy baby! She really rarely cries, and when she does its pretty easy to figure out what to do to calm her.

I think she's going to crawl any day. I can tell she wants to. Her belly has just yet to leave the ground,but she can turn any direction she wants laying on her belly and she is rolling like a pro now.

The next new thing she does is babbling consanant sounds. We've heard babababa and mamamama then dadada and now she's doing the gagaga. So cute!! I cna't wait till she says real words!

We are starting swin lessons on Tuesday, that should be laot of fun! She loves the water in the bathtub so far so I'm sure this will be great for her.